Chords from left->right = bass string->"soprano" string :-)
466444 SOL#m/SOL#335353 DO7/SOLx21202: alternate B7
020102 MI7add9x02022 LA7add6x2102x: B9aug5
076750 MI7020122: "E7maj7min7add9" :-)
"Intro" part (repeat four times, bass last two times)
| E7 G#m/G# | C7/G B7/F# | (bassline notes, double up: E G# G F#)
Play twice: (call it "Verse A" except for the Intro at the end)
| E7 | Eb7 | G#7 | G#7 | C#7 | F#7 B7 | Intro Once |
Play Once: (call it "Verse B")
| E7add9 | E7add9 | A7add6 | A7add6 | F#(7?) | F#(7?) | B7 | B7 |
(doubled bass notes B C# D D# |
Verse A again:
| E7 | Eb7 | G#7 | G#7 | C#7 | F#7 B7 | Intro Twice |
Verse A twice with singing:
MI7 MIb7 SOL#7If it's good enough for granddad it's good enough for me
Way it was that's the way it's got to be
MI7 MIb7Told me all about the good times that he had
SOL#7 DO#7 FA#7 SI7Even when the times were sad ... was good enough for granddad.
"Intro once", then
MI7add9 LA7add6Been to all kinds of places ... been to every old foreign land
Ain't a man alive sure can jive better than granddad can
MI7 MIb7 SOL#7 DO#7All the good times that he had they were good enough for granddad,
FA#7 SI7they're good enough for me
(horn solo, Verse A under it, one "intro" at end)
Play Verse B for this:
Been to all kinds of places ... been to every old foreign land
Ain't a man alive sure can jive better than granddad can
Play Verse A:
All the good times that he had even when the times was sad
they was good enough for granddad.
| A7 | A#7 | B7* | B7* | F#7 | F#7 | B9aug5 | B9aug5 |
(yeah dad!)
Verse A:
All the good times that he had they were good enough for granddad
they're good enough for me
Play Intro 3 times, and then the ending which is something like
---2-3-4---------- ---2-3-4-----------|
------------------ -------------------|
---2-3-4---1-2-3-4 ---2-3-4-----------|
------------------ OR: -------------------|
------------------ -------------0-1-2-|
------------------ -----------4-------|
Then the ending strum which is something like Emaj7min7add9 or simply E7add9.
Chords from left->right = bass
..string->"soprano" string
x21202: alternate B7
x2102x: B9aug5
020122: "E7maj7min7add9" :-)
076770 MI7add9"Intro" part (repeat four times,
..bass last two times)
| E7 G#m/G# | C7/G B7/F# |
..(bassline notes, double up: E G#
..G F#)
Play twice: (call it "Verse A"
..except for the Intro at the end)
| E7 | Eb7 | G#7 | G#7 | C#7 | F#7
..B7 | Intro Once |
Play Once: (call it "Verse B")
| E7add9 | E7add9 | A7add6 |
..A7add6 | F#(7?) | F#(7?) | B7 |
..B7 |
.. (doubled bass notes B C# D D#
Verse A again:
| E7 | Eb7 | G#7 | G#7 | C#7 | F#7
..B7 | Intro Twice |
Verse A twice with singing:
MI7 MIb7If it's good enough for granddad's good enough for me
Way it was that's the way it's got be
MI7 MIb7Told me all about the good times
..that he had
SOL#7 DO#7Even when the times were sad ...
..was good enough for granddad.
"Intro once", then
Been to all kinds of places ...
LA7add6..been to every old foreign land
FA#7Ain't a man alive sure can jive
..better than granddad can
MI7 MIb7All the good times that he had
SOL#7 DO#7.. they were good enough for
FA#7 SI7they're good enough for me
(horn solo, Verse A under it, one
.."intro" at end)
Play Verse B for this:
Been to all kinds of places ...
..been to every old foreign land
Ain't a man alive sure can jive
..better than granddad can
Play Verse A:
All the good times that he had
..even when the times was sad
they was good enough for granddad.
| A7 | A#7 | B7* | B7* | F#7 | F#7
..| B9aug5 | B9aug5 |
(yeah dad!)
Verse A:
All the good times that he had
..they were good enough for
they're good enough for me
Play Intro 3 times, and then the
..ending which is something like
---2-3-4---------- -
------------------ -
---2-3-4---1-2-3-4 -
------------------ OR: -
------------------ -
------------------ -
Then the ending strum which is
..something like Emaj7min7add9 or
..simply E7add9.
Accordi Testi SQUIRREL NUT ZIPPERS Good Enough For Granddad. Skitarrate per suonare la tua musica, studiare scale, posizioni per chitarra, cercare, gestire, richiedere e inviare accordi, testi e spartiti