Matthew stood by the wall and watched his love below
Her pale hair came in golden rings down below her shoulders as she
DO FA DO FAwaved and slowly turned around to find the path that led her to
SIb SIb SOLthe ancient gate was closed. She said, "Matthew,
why won't you tell me what it is you see?
RE LA SOL DO SOLYour smile so wide, this figured grin, you look as if,
DO RE FA SOL SOL# SIb FAYou look as if, you're looking right through me, why won't you tell me
How it is you see through the darkness all around me?
MIb SIbNo amulets or chains will work to keep the demons from
SOL DOor hide the night-filled eyes from the Brides of Jesus
the Brides of Jesus, the Brides of Jesus, keep 'em over me.
piano solo:
Keep 'em over me, "Can't you see, on tender hooks,
and to be pleasure-bent," his voice, it scratched the air,
RE FA SOL# SIb FA"may bring you so much sorrow that you may be entertaining angels
SIb SOL DO SOL# SIb FAunawares."
Matthew stood by the wall and
..watched his love below
SOLHer pale hair came in golden rings
DO FA..down below her shoulders as she
waved and slowly turned around to
DO FA..find the path that led her to
SIbthe ancient gate was closed. She
..said, "Matthew,
DO SOL DOwhy won't you tell me what it is see?
Your smile so wide, this figured
SOL DO SOL..grin, you look as if,
DO REYou look as if, you're looking
..right through me, why won't you
FA..tell me
SIb SOL DOHow it is you see through
..the darkness all around me?
MIb SIbNo amulets or chains will work to
..keep the demons from
SOLor hide the night-filled eyes from
DO..the Brides of Jesus
the Brides of Jesus, the Brides of
DO FA..Jesus, keep 'em over me.
piano solo:
MIb SIb SOL DO FA DO FAKeep 'em over me, "Can't you see,
..on tender hooks,
RE LAand to be pleasure-bent," his
SOL SOLsus SOL..voice, it scratched the air,
"may bring you so much sorrow that
SOL# SIb may be entertaining angels
SIb SOL DO SOL# SIb FAunawares."
Accordi Testi LITTLE FEAT Brides Of Jezus. Skitarrate per suonare la tua musica, studiare scale, posizioni per chitarra, cercare, gestire, richiedere e inviare accordi, testi e spartiti