This is in the key off the Missing Links version.
In a long and involved conversation with myself
FA FAm DOI saw precious things come into view
When I poured through the files taken off my mental shelf
FA FAm DOI dusted off some memories of you
MIm LAmThen I thought about the time when our affair was green
How the phoenix of our love first flapped its silken wings
FA SOL DO MIm LAAll the urgency and passion of each new day as it happened
FA SOL DOAnd how it all mellowed as it grew
This is in the key off the
..Missing Links version.
In a long and involved
..conversation with myself
I saw precious things come into
When I poured through the files
REm..taken off my mental shelf
FA FAm DOI dusted off some memories of you
Then I thought about the time when
LAm..our affair was green
MImHow the phoenix of our love first
..flapped its silken wings
FA SOLAll the urgency and passion of
DO MIm LA..each new day as it happened
And how it all mellowed as it grew
Accordi Testi MONKEES Carlisle Wheeling. Skitarrate per suonare la tua musica, studiare scale, posizioni per chitarra, cercare, gestire, richiedere e inviare accordi, testi e spartiti