|---| |---| |---| |---| |---|
|---| |---| |---| |---| |---|
|---| |-10| |-9-| |---| |---|
|-7-| |-10| |-7-| |-10| |-9-|
|-7-| |-8-| |-7-| |-10| |-7-|
|-5-| |---| |---| |-8-| |-7-|
The intro is an E with the 6th string [lowest pitch] open, and the next
two [A, D] fretted on the seconf. Hit that 3 times, hit the 6th string on
the 3rd fret [G], and then the E again.
The "chorus" of sorts is like this:
(Note: for the rest of this transcription, I probably have the number of
times you hit each chord worng. Just strum as fast as you can with only
down-strokes and change chords when your fingers cramp.]
The "verse" [part where he sings] :
A5 A5 A5 A5 3 times C5 C5 C5 C5
The bridge is this cord:
some kind of mutant A:
strummed a few times, and then dropped down two steps. Do this a few times.
[You're going to have to listen to it to see what I mean]
Then play an E like in the intro [without doing the G thing]
In between the E's, do the single-note lines by just making them up.
I learned this off of a friend's cousin's dentist who got it from Guitar
for the Practicing Musician which he stocks in his waiting room. He's
from Seattle.
Drop down strings 1 whole step: [or drop just Low-E string down to D, and
play Rhythm 2 down 1 whole step from what it is listed here]
Rhythm 1: [one bar, all eight notes]
|-0-0-3-5-3-0-0-0-| play many times
Rhythm 2:
|----------| |-----------------|
|----------| |-----------------|
|----------| |-----------------|
|-7-9--7-9-| |-----5-7-5-------|
|-5-7--5-7-| twice then |-5-7-------7-5-7-|
|----------| |-----------------|
You're going to have to get me some Suicidal Tendencies off of How will I
Laugh Tomorrow [Trip of the Brain, maybe?] if you want me to give those
damnably long solo's.
|---| |---| |---| |---| |--
|---| |---| |---| |---| |--
|---| |-10| |-9-| |---| |--
|-7-| |-10| |-7-| |-10| |-9
|-7-| |-8-| |-7-| |-10| |-7
|-5-| |---| |---| |-8-| |-7
The intro is an E with the 6th
..string [lowest pitch] open, and
..the next
two [A, D] fretted on the seconf.
..Hit that 3 times, hit the 6th
..string on
the 3rd fret [G], and then the E
The "chorus" of sorts is like
(Note: for the rest of this
..transcription, I probably have
..the number of
times you hit each chord worng.
..Just strum as fast as you can
..with only
down-strokes and change chords
..when your fingers cramp.]
The "verse" [part where he sings]
A5 A5 A5 A5 3 times C5 C5 C5 C5
The bridge is this cord:
some kind of mutant A:
strummed a few times, and then
..dropped down two steps. Do this
..a few times.
[You're going to have to listen to to see what I mean]
Then play an E like in the intro
..[without doing the G thing]
In between the E's, do the
..single-note lines by just making
..them up.
I learned this off of a friend's
..cousin's dentist who got it from
for the Practicing Musician which
..he stocks in his waiting room.
from Seattle.
Drop down strings 1 whole step:
..[or drop just Low-E string down D, and
play Rhythm 2 down 1 whole step
..from what it is listed here]
Rhythm 1: [one bar, all eight
-|-| play many times
Rhythm 2:
|----------| |--------
|----------| |--------
|----------| |--------
|-7-9--7-9-| |-----5-7
|-5-7--5-7-| twice then |-5-7----
|----------| |--------
You're going to have to get me
..some Suicidal Tendencies off of
..How will I
Laugh Tomorrow [Trip of the Brain,
..maybe?] if you want me to give
damnably long solo's.
Tablature chitarra di BUTTHOLE SURFERS Goofys Concern Skitarrate per suonare la tua musica, studiare scale, posizioni per chitarra, cercare, gestire, richiedere e inviare accordi, testi e spartiti