HM tuning' (ie, all down one semi-tone)
Hack the low E string throughout (ie palm mute and down pick)
(gtrs I & II in separate channels)
Fig 1 (play with lead break 1)
End Fig 1
Lead Break 1
PM___________________| |__| |__|
End Lead Break 1
Fig 2
(I) |-2-------------------0-------------------4----|
(II) |-2-2-5-2-2---2-2-------5-2-2-5-2-2---2-2------|
(I) |-2-------------------0-------------------4----|
(II) |-2-2-5-2-2---2-2-------5-2-2-5-2-2---2-2------|
End Fig 2
Repeat Fig 2 accompanied by Fig 3
Fig 3
(III) (' ` = 1/4 bend/release)
End Fig 3
Fig 4 (play with lead break 2)
(rarely) (usually)
Ending 1 (Fig 5 starts here)
(hold for 2 x Fig 5)
(then play 2 x Fig 5)
End Fig 4
Lead Break 2
(If you nail the muting just right (quite light) it makes the notes sound
as if they're all individually picked - and really, really fast!!)
t t t t
t t t t t (Fig 5)
^ . ^ . ^ . ^ . ^ . ^ ^ ^ ^ ^(2xfig5)
End Lead Break 2 (phew!)
Fig 5 (play 4 times - gtr I joins in last two times)
First 2 times have a slightly faster tempo than normal.
(gtr II)
(Don't forget to PM the E string!!) (^^^ play 5_7 here 2nd time)
End Fig 5
Fig 6 (play twice with verse 1 ... Enter young man, etc)
|---- |---- --------------------------------------------3====----|
|---- |---- --------------------------------------------3====----|
|---- |---- --------------------------------------------0====----|
(I) |---- ===_2 -----------0==_2-----------0==_2-------------------0==
left |---- ===_2 -----------0==_2-----1_0---0==_2-------------------0==
chan.|-0-0 |---- -0-0-0-0-0-------0-0-----3-------0-0-0-0-0-----------|
|---- |---- -----------------------------------------------------|
|---- |---- -------------------------------------------11=====---|
|---- |---- -------------------------------------------10=====---|
(II) |---- ===_2 -----------0==_2-----------0==_2-----------9======-0==
right|---- ===_2 -----------0==_2-----1-0---0==_2-----0----(10)====-0==
chan.|-0-0 |---- -0-0-0-0-0-------0-0-----3-------0-0---0-0-----------|
1st 2nd PM__|
time time
|------------------------------------------------------------ --| --|
|------------------------------------------------------------ --| --|
|-------------------------------------------------000333--222 --| 2-|
(I) ===_2-----------0==_2-----------0==_2-------------00033333222 -0= 2-|
===_2-----------0==_2-----1_0---0==_2-------------------33--- -0= --|
|-----0-0-0-0-0-------0-0-----3-------0-0-0-0-0-0------------ --| --|
|------------------------------------------------------------ --| --|
|------------------------------------------------------------ --| --|
|-------------------------------------------------000333--222 --| 2-|
(II) ===_2-----------0==_2-----------0==_2-------------00033333222 -0= 2-|
===_2-----------0==_2-----1-0---0==_2-------------------33--- -0= --|
|-----0-0-0-0-0-------0-0-----3-------0-0-0-0-0-0------------ --| --|
1st 2nd
time time
End Fig 6
Gtrs I and II play Fig 5 (unmodified) with lead break 3
Lead Break 3
(verse 2)
-----------------------------------------------------------------|-(slow full-
-----------------------------------------------------------------|--bend and--
End Lead Break 3
Play Fig 6 twice with verse 2
Play Fig 4 (with ending 2 .. below) with chorus, "Save me someone's gonna", etc
Fig 4 Ending 2
Fig 7 (play four times with lead break 4)
-----3-3-6-3-3-------3-3-------------3-3-6-3-3-----------------*** not
^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ last time
End Fig 7
Fig 8 (play once near end of lead break 4)
End Fig 8
Lead Break 4
(get those fingers nice and warmed up for this bit)
(fig 8 starts)
End Lead Break 4
Play Fig 8 four times with verse 3 ... I will keep my own time, etc
Play Fig 4 (ending 1) with chorus ... Save me someone's gonna, etc
Play Fig 5 once
~~ vibrato
= hold note
^v full bend/release
'` 1/2 bend/release
(15)^ prebend
(2) sometimes played/barely audible/I'm not really sure about this note!!
(x7) below staff indicates the passing of several timing beats
\ / slides
_ hammer/pull
13# artificial harmonic
t tap
/_10 slide to 10 without picking
-_10 blind hammer onto 10 without picking (left hand tap)
(15)8 `ghost tap' - tap 15 but only so as to sound 8 by pulling
off quickly (ie very fast and virtually inaudible)
^. timing marks (when below staff)
PM__| Palm muted section
As with most Fates songs, they play with intervals and overdubbing/multiple
guitars to achieve some fairly subtle, but great sound textures.
As a result, it's easy to come up with all sorts of ideas for what
they're actually doing. For example, try these variations ...
In Fig 6, instead of ------------ try ------------
------------ ------------
-000333--222 -000333--20--------33--- -------33--2
------------ ------------
and for the main part of Fig 6 try ...
(I think this one's really cool)
(coming soon - No Exit, Static Acts, A World Apart <<-- check these out
for some really way out vocals, composition and lead breaks)
HM tuning' (ie, all down one
Hack the low E string throughout
..(ie palm mute and down pick)
(gtrs I & II in separate channels)
Fig 1 (play with lead break 1)
End Fig 1
Lead Break 1
PM___________________| |__|
End Lead Break 1
Fig 2
(I) |-2-------------------0-------
(II) |-2-2-5-2-2---2-2-------5-2-2
(I) |-2-------------------0-------
(II) |-2-2-5-2-2---2-2-------5-2-2
End Fig 2
Repeat Fig 2 accompanied by Fig 3
Fig 3
(III) (' ` = 1/4 bend/release)
End Fig 3
Fig 4 (play with lead break 2)
(rarely) (usually)
.. Ending 1 (Fig 5
..starts here)
.. (hold for
..2 x Fig 5)
.. (then play
..2 x Fig 5)
End Fig 4
Lead Break 2
(If you nail the muting just
..right (quite light) it makes the
..notes sound
as if they're all individually
..picked - and really, really!!)
t t
.. t t
t t t t
.. t
.. (Fig 5)
^ . ^ . ^ .
.. ^ . ^ . ^ ^ ^ ^
.. ^(2xfig5)
End Lead Break 2 (phew!)
Fig 5 (play 4 times - gtr I joins last two times)
First 2 times have a slightly
..faster tempo than normal.
(gtr II)
(Don't forget to PM the E
.. string!!) (^^^ play 5_7
.. here 2nd time)
End Fig 5
Fig 6 (play twice with verse 1 ...
..Enter young man, etc)
|---- |---- ---------------------
|---- |---- ---------------------
|---- |---- ---------------------
(I) |---- ===_2 -----------0==_2
left |---- ===_2 -----------0==_2
chan.|-0-0 |---- -0-0-0-0-0------
|---- |---- ---------------------
|---- |---- ---------------------
|---- |---- ---------------------
(II) |---- ===_2 -----------0==_2
right|---- ===_2 -----------0==_2
chan.|-0-0 |---- -0-0-0-0-0------
1st 2nd
.. PM__|
time time
(I) ===_2-----------0==_2-----
-|------------ --| --|
-|------------ --| --|
-|-000333--222 --| 2-|
-|------00033333222 -0= 2-|
-|-------33--- -0= --|
-|------------ --| --|
(II) ===_2-----------0==_2-----
-|------------ --| --|
-|------------ --| --|
-|-000333--222 --| 2-|
-|------00033333222 -0= 2-|
-|-------33--- -0= --|
-|------------ --| --|
..1st 2nd
..time time
End Fig 6
Gtrs I and II play Fig 5
..(unmodified) with lead break 3
Lead Break 3
..(verse 2)
-|-|-(slow full-
-|-|--bend and--
End Lead Break 3
Play Fig 6 twice with verse 2
Play Fig 4 (with ending 2 ..
..below) with chorus, "Save me
..someone's gonna", etc
Fig 4 Ending 2
Fig 7 (play four times with lead
..break 4)
-|-*** not
^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^
.. ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^
..last time
End Fig 7
Fig 8 (play once near end of lead
..break 4)
End Fig 8
Lead Break 4
(get those fingers nice and warmed
..up for this bit)
(fig 8 starts)
End Lead Break 4
Play Fig 8 four times with verse 3
..... I will keep my own time, etc
Play Fig 4 (ending 1) with chorus
..... Save me someone's gonna, etc
Play Fig 5 once
..E E N D
~~ vibrato
= hold note
^v full bend/release
'` 1/2 bend/release
(15)^ prebend
(2) sometimes played/barely'm not really sure
..about this note!!
(x7) below staff indicates
..the passing of several timing
\ / slides
_ hammer/pull
13# artificial harmonic
t tap
/_10 slide to 10 without
-_10 blind hammer onto 10
..without picking (left hand tap)
(15)8 `ghost tap' - tap 15 but
..only so as to sound 8 by pulling
off quickly (ie very and virtually inaudible)
^. timing marks (when below
PM__| Palm muted section
As with most Fates songs, they with intervals and
guitars to achieve some fairly
..subtle, but great sound
As a result, it's easy to come up
..with all sorts of ideas for what
they're actually doing. For
..example, try these variations
In Fig 6, instead of ------------ try ------------
------------ ------------
-------33--- -------33--2
------------ ------------
and for the main part of Fig 6 try
(I think this one's really cool)
(coming soon - No Exit, Static
..Acts, A World Apart <<--
..check these out
for some really way out vocals,
..composition and lead breaks)
Tablature chitarra di FATES WARNING Anarchy Divine 1 Skitarrate per suonare la tua musica, studiare scale, posizioni per chitarra, cercare, gestire, richiedere e inviare accordi, testi e spartiti