Normal e-a-d-g-b-e tuning
h - hammer on
p - pull off
b - bend string up
r- release bend
/ - slide up
\ - slide down
v - vibrato (sometimes written as ~)
x - play 'note' with heavy damping
Play E a few times at the start n when the singing kicks in play.
Intro 1
Guitar 1 + 2
Intro 2
Guitar 1 +2
Intro 3
Guitar 1 + 2
Intro 4 - palm muted and slowing down tempo with the song.
Guitar 1
Guitar 2
Guitar 1
Guitar 2
Main Riff
Guitar 1 x3 then x1
|-----------------------------| -----------------------------|
|-x-8-------------------------| -x-8-------------------------|
|-------9--9-9-9p7--7--9------| ------9--9-9-9-9-9-9-7-7-7-7-|
|-----------------------------| -----------------------------|
|-----------------------------| -----------------------------|
|-----------------------------| -----------------------------|
Guitar 2
Guitar 1
Guitar 2
Guitar 1 & 2
intro 1 x 4intro 2 x 1
main riff x 2
verse x 2
main riff x 1
verse x 2
riff 1 x 2chorus x 4main riff x 1
verse x 2 with stop
main riff x 1
Normal e-a-d-g-b-e tuning
h - hammer on
p - pull off
b - bend string up
r- release bend
/ - slide up
\ - slide down
v - vibrato (sometimes written as
x - play 'note' with heavy damping
Play E a few times at the start n
..when the singing kicks in play.
Guitar 1 + 2
Intro 2
Guitar 1 +2
Intro 3
Guitar 1 + 2
Intro 4 - palm muted and slowing
..down tempo with the song.
Guitar 1
Guitar 2
Riff 1
Guitar 1
Guitar 2
Main Riff
Guitar 1 x3 then x1
|-----------------------------| --
|-x-8-------------------------| -x
|-------9--9-9-9p7--7--9------| --
|-----------------------------| --
|-----------------------------| --
|-----------------------------| --
Guitar 2
Guitar 1
Guitar 2
Guitar 1 & 2
intro 1 x 4
main riff x 2
verse x 2
main riff x 1
verse x 2
riff 1 x 2main riff x 1
verse x 2 with stop
main riff x 1
riff 1 x 2chorus x 4Tablature chitarra di FRANZ FERDINAND Take Me Out Skitarrate per suonare la tua musica, studiare scale, posizioni per chitarra, cercare, gestire, richiedere e inviare accordi, testi e spartiti