Two main parts of the song.
Play in relatively quick 4/4 time.
Main Riff--beginning (x5), middle1 (x3), middle2 (x3), end (x3)
G |----------------|7---77-6--4-6---|4--44-----------|----------------|
D |-------7---(7)--|----------------|-----(0)7---7---|5---------0-5(0)|
A |5---55----------|----------------|----------------|----------------|
E |----------------|----------------|----------------|----------------|
Verse Riff--play this sequence twice for each verse between the main riff
G |--------------11h12p11-----------| |----------------|----------------|
D |0---00-9--------|------12------(0) x3 |--------------0-|--------------0-|
A |--------12------|----------------| |10--10----------|10101010--1010--|
E |----------------|----------------| |----------------|----------------|
That's it--throw a few small variations in to keep it interesting, but Claridge
doesn't really stray from this much at all.
Two main parts of the song.
Play in relatively quick 4/4 time.
Main Riff--beginning (x5), middle1
..(x3), middle2 (x3), end (x3)
G |----------------|7---77-6--4-6-
D |-------7---(7)--|--------------
A |5---55----------|--------------
E |----------------|--------------
Verse Riff--play this sequence
..twice for each verse between the
..main riff
G |--------------11h12p11--------
D |0---00-9--------|------12-----
A |--------12------|-------------
E |----------------|-------------
-|---| |---------------
-|-(0) x3 |--------------0
-|---| |10--10---------
-|---| |---------------
That's it--throw a few small
..variations in to keep it
..interesting, but Claridge
doesn't really stray from this
..much at all.
Tablature basso di SEA AND CAKE Jacking The Ball Skitarrate per suonare la tua musica, studiare scale, posizioni per chitarra, cercare, gestire, richiedere e inviare accordi, testi e spartiti